PC Magazine AltTabIt! 1.0

PC Magazine AltTabIt! 1.0

It is an Alt+Tab replacement program with many features
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As computers have become more powerful, with greater CPU speed and more memory, the number of running applications on our systems has grown rapidly. The Alt Tab keyboard command in Windows hasn't changed much since Windows 3.1 and has really become tedious and inefficient. It was once a very popular way to quickly cycle through running programs. However, nowadays a long list of icons and application names just doesn't provide a good enough way to switch tasks anymore. It's easier to reach for the mouse.

Alt Tab replacement programs that strive to make the key combination useful again, but none of them have had all of the features they wanted, so they decided to create their own.

AltTabIt! is an Alt Tab replacement with the following features:

- Screenshots of all running windows (that are not minimized)
- Quickly enlarge screenshots by pushing the numeric " " key
- Sort window list by application name, title, and z-order (the order which the windows are stacked on the desktop)
- Launch pre-selected applications and files
- Hop to numbered windows using the Alt # key combination
- Quickly close windows using the Alt # c key combination



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